Sunday, June 19, 2005

Yarn Hauling

I am always amazed at the yarns Melanie has when I visit.. I am also always amazed at how much I comes home with me.. I bought some truly amazing things while I was there yesterday .. I also got to bring home a few "one of a kind" items.. before I stun you with the whole haul .. here are my top picks

On the far left and the far right.. those are loopy boucle .. acrylics.. but they feel like mohair.. vrey beautiful with lots of sheen .. the next one in on the left is a loopy mohair acrylic boucle.. gorgeous.. I can honestly say the picture doesnt do it justice.. the next one.. the bright circus coloured one.. is my favourite.. its a rayon silk blend that is HEAVEN i tell you .. HEAVEN!! had she had more than one of these I would have gladly paid the price for it.. this was my most expensive cone.. Next to that is one simply called Citron.. its a mohair acrylic blend .. I swear to you its the softest yarn I have ever touched.. its gorgeous as well.. it has some green .. gold.. cream and a touch of lilac.. beautiful.. the one next to that is called Tranquility.. its a loopy.. very loopy.. mohair blend and also heavenly ..

now.. here is the porn.. serious yarn porn..(I am imagining the hits I will be getting for that later.. oh well )

This is my complete haul.. and there is nothing in the pile that is less than fabulous!!.. I am not kidding.. I cant believe how much I brought home.. and how fabulous it all is.. She had more good stuff but I ran out of money and room .. cause I am on that serious budget.. for my trip.. and I spent some hopeing to make some .. that is the plan anyway .. and you all know me .. I couldnt settle for less than beautiful stuff.. I couldnt possibly sell you something I wouldnt want to use myself.. that is the down right truth of the matter..

so be on the look out.. I have opened an eBay store.. and I am filling it up tonight.. and dont worry .. there is plenty !!

Happy Father's Day every one .. I am off to call my dad..

posted by ThreeOliveMartini @ Sunday, June 19, 2005  


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