Thursday, June 16, 2005

Just Stuff..

Well.. dad's surgery is today ( technically .. I want to say tomorrow but since its the wee hours its today ).. I called him today to see how things were.. He seemed pretty ok .. He was joking about the laxative.. and how he didnt realize how full of shit he was .. LOL.. so.. I suppose that is a good sign.. We talked more about what they are going to do to him exactly .. he told me the procedure should only last an hour.. That's not too bad if you ask me.. He has the best Doctor in Clarksville.. so I am not so worried.. I was more worried about his out look than anything else.. today .. he was in good spirits despite not having any food since midnight last night and crapping his brains out today ..

I talked to my sister today too.. She said she would call me the minute dad got settled in and let me know how things went and EXACTLY what they did to him.. which will make me feel lots better. I am still not at the freak out stage.. I doubt I will even get to that.. Freaking out is not my style.. too logical to do something like that.. My hopes are they can save as much of his stomach as possible.. He doesnt need to lose any weight.. but he said he would at first til he got an eating schedule down pat.. and figured out what worked best.. so he has planned ahead as me yet a little more comfort..

By the time I get home.. he will be ready to be broke out of the house.. he said today that he probably wouldnt want to try to fit in my "souped up sardine can" but I could chauffer him around in his truck.. ..fair enough.. I just know he will be going crazy by the time I get there.. 5 days in the hospital will probably be enough boredom to last him awhile.. My dad doesnt like to be down for long.. as a matter of fact I can not remember a time in my life my dad was really sick .. EVER.. my mom told me a story about him having pneumonia once.. and he went back to work after being in bed for about 2 days.. but I was small and really dont remember.. the worst I can ever remember is his sinus stuff every year.. and that bad case of food poisoning he and my step mom had a few years ago.. and that is really it..

So I got the word today .. both girls are coming home with me .. Jessica is 17.. Alexis is 10... please tell me .. what the hell was i thinking ? Just kidding ... I miss them so much .. I would have loved to have had them longer .. but school there starts like the 9th of August.. so I get them for about 3 weeks.. its gonna be fun.. GO GIRL POWER!! .. We are gonna do all kinds of cool stuff... I really cant wait.. Maybe one of them or both will want to learn to crochet or knit.. probably Alexis .. Jessica.. not so much .. I think I will have them name my Llama finger puppet.. I am kind of liking Larry .. we shall see what they think...

The best part ... Jessica and I listen to the same music.. so .. the drive wont be so bad.. I feel bad for Alexis LOL.. maybe we can work something out .. maybe she can bring her car VCR or something.. that is how we survived the last trip...

any way .. time for me to rack out.. I have been going since 8.30 and its almost 2.30.. time for sleep .. definately ..

More later !!

posted by ThreeOliveMartini @ Thursday, June 16, 2005  


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