Friday, September 02, 2005

Dear New Orleans

Dear Havoc Causers In New Orleans

I know you dont have electricity and probably wont read this.. but I have a few things to say to you .

First off.. You make me SICK! and ANGRY... and SAD!!

Hello FUCKWITS!! Those helicopters are trying to help you .. shooting at them is only going to make them go away and not come back .. personally I dont blame them either.. If I were trying to help some one and they shot at me .. I wouldnt come back to help you .. the part about this that gets me most.. you shoot at them .. then COMPLAIN you cant get any help.. like you dont know what you did...

Secondly.. what is up with looting and raping.. dont you think every one has been through enough already with out you causing more damage than is already there?.. you are taking plasma TV's .. where the hell do you think you are going to be able to watch that right now?

This whole disaster has torn my heart out.. I try to be sympathetic.. understanding .. and want to help.. but when I see what my fellow man can do to each other it sickens me and makes me angry...

I am fearful for the people I care for in the area. I am thankful the ones that were in closest have gotten out.. but the mayhem has spread father in .. My friend in Mississippi reports violence and riots .. It doesnt take much to see you should be pulling together at a time like this instead of tearing each other up more than you are ..

Please for the sake of your fellow man.. calm down and let people do their jobs.. things would be much better if you would..

thank you

Three Olive Martini

posted by ThreeOliveMartini @ Friday, September 02, 2005  


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