Friday, November 25, 2005

more updates

good morning every one !!

more updates..

I saw Kari...had a great time .. she posted a good recap on her blog.. yes I am being lazy!! We had a great time and I have not laughed so hard in weeks!! My ribs hurt the next day .. and it was a great adventure...besides.. i dont think i could have written a much better entry at all.. except to say we fell into easy converstaion like we had been friends for ages.. it was a great day!

My dad is doing so much better.. he has gained 12 pounds total.. still thin.. but in good spirits and has some colour...and of course he sounds like dad again.. all good news !! He even took a spin in the 4 wheeler the other day .. and was helping with the firewood.. this was the best news I could have gotten the whole trip..

Thanksgiving went well even with out one sister.. she had her reasons for not coming.. I am just glad she didnt impose those reasons on my niece who spent the day with us .. and we had a nice dinner.. and I wasnt the topic of criticism for the day.. it was a nice change.. I have gotten some knitting done.. and my sister and I spent last night working on the charity blankets.. by the time I leave next week we should have them joined and donated.. picutres coming soon .. too lazy to dig out the camera cable this morning ..

I was going to do yard clean up today but its just a wee bit cold.. it was down to 19 here last night and will only be 42 today.. so I am going to do that tomorrow when there is a promise of 57 degree weather.. would be a much more pleasant day for leaf blowing and shrub trimming.. definately ..

Today .. I have my niece.. my 2 step nieces and my nephew.. my sister ..the brave soul that she is .. went shopping today .. you couldnt have paid me enough so i volunteered to keep the kids.. and i get to act like a bona fide mom .. cause i have the mini van in case i need to go somewhere.. i think we might venture to Hobby Lobby a little later to see what kind of specials they might have .. since the nearest one to me is 50 miles when i am in NC.. PLUS ..Audrey .. my 11 year old step niece.. has shown interest in knitting and crochet.. so we just might have to have class today ..

will let you know how i survived later !! have a great day !!

posted by ThreeOliveMartini @ Friday, November 25, 2005  


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  • Belated Thank Yous
  • Overload
  • Being Sentimental..
  • This Just IN!!!!!!
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  • Elizabeth Needs.....
  • Le Sigh....
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