Saturday, December 03, 2005

What A Day

so.. the trip so far has been good.. til this evening.. the family turmoil doesnt seem like its going to ever let up as long as the rot is still around.. it just keeps tainting every thing.. and now my sisters boyfriend thinks he can control me and where i go and dont go .. haha jokes on him cause i will do what i want especially when it partains to public places.. and i dont care how "uncomfortable" he is.. he has single handedly insulted.. offended or hurt every person in my immediate family so to hell his comfort zone..

i am not going to let his negativity effect the rest of my visit or my posts here.. he isnt worth my time

on a good note.. I have some new really nice hand dye listed on eBay right now.. freshly listed earlier tonight.. buy it now so no waiting..and free shipping in all my auctions and store items til Christmas ..just click the big.. "I Sell Yarn On Ebay" link over in my side bar.. you know you wanna!!

my house is looking really good.. i need one semi warm day ( read over 50 degrees) so I can get the rest of my yard stuff done.. i have some mulch to spread and some bushes to trim.. and I am thinking of pruning the apple trees while I am here but not sure its been cold enough to do so yet.. any one know?

I am up in the air as to when to leave here.. i could bust ass and get every thing done by monday and head home .. or i could fuck off a little more .. and leave a little later in the week.. who knows.. i guess i will just fly by the seat of my pants as usual.. nothing really exciting to talk about.. well its exciting to me.. but i think in written words the actual cuteness or funniness would be lost .. alot of you had to be there moments happening this week..

I hope every one has a great weekend.. will pop back in soon !!

posted by ThreeOliveMartini @ Saturday, December 03, 2005  


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