Monday, February 28, 2005

Look Ma!! I Learned Something New!

SO.. I was learning to knit a few years ago.. a friend of mine volunteered to teach me.. so I went to her house every wednesday evening and we sat and talked and knit( I would say we talked more than we knitted or I knitted).. I didnt do so well and I didnt practice like I should have so.. of course.. I didnt get very good .. I decided knit just wasnt my recently I had the urge to pick the needles up again and try to relearn what I had put down.. I met another friend.. she sat me down and "refreshed" me.. I went out and bought a couple books to help me out.. and in general got seriously frustrated again.. and was about to give up.. then I picked up the book one last time to look through and saw that I was totally missing the option about continental knitting instead of english.. well .. being a crocheter.. the continental method made way more sense to me because of how the yarn is held.. I picked up my needles and started again.. I was like fucking MAGIC! The yarn literally flew off the ball and on to the needles.. of course its not perfect.. but I think it looks pretty good for some one that hasnt knit in about 5 years and struggled with it at that time.. so here is what I have been working on in rotation with the Mardi Gras Throw..

its just going to be a tube.. a shoulder warmer of sorts.. I will crochet some flowers or somthing for a little accent .. I am holding 4 strands of yarn .. a red mohair... and aqua mohair.. a little sparkle thread.. and a rainbow coloured thick thin... I think its turning out quite nice.. !! I might get brave and try to read a pattern soon.. now that I have this down.. I doubt there is anything I cant do! woohooo!!

posted by ThreeOliveMartini @ Monday, February 28, 2005  


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