Monday, June 20, 2005

Busy.. Busy.. did I mention .. Busy ?

So today was spent.. inventorying.. setting up my new eBay store ( link over on the side bar.. seriously too late and lazy to make the hyper link.. so just go press the big fat Ebay store thing over there ok ? ) .. got some stuff listed.. need to do more.. tomorrow is blend day .. took the dogs for a walk .. did my pilates on the ball .. wound yarn .. packed some packages.. cleaned my house.. made a run to the market.. watched a little movie.. worked on my two bags and a poncho.. uploaded pictures .. checked the 'ville..chatted for about an hour.. read some blogs.. and answered 39 emails.. that was my day.. and I am not joking about one minute of it .. I was up at 7.45 .. and those that know me.. know that this is tres early for me .. so its now 1 am .. I am getting ready for that last wind to hit.. for th enext two hours.. then blissful sleep..

tomorrow.. I have yarns to blend.. more to list .. and high hopes of making a shit load of money before I go home so I dont have to have a working vacay .. but even IF I do .. I wont care.. I will be home.. in my house.. doing what I love.. seeing my family and my DAD.. working in my yard and winding yarn while I am gone LOL.. not too much different than here .. but it will be HOME.. I cant wait to get back there next year.. I miss it bad.. I miss the space.. I miss the safety net my family provides.. I miss my best friend.. yeah .. its time for that 12 days home.. I need it.. I have only been trying since Christmas.. I also have market to prepare for tomorrow.. and decisions about if I want to list some finished product in my store .. I think I will .. I can list them at the price I want.. and if I get it .. then I do .. and if I dont .. well it wont have cost me much to put it there.. Just a few bracelet bags.. and a choker ot two to start.. maybe a shawl or poncho or something.. who knows..I just dont want to put too much up there.. so I have nothing for market.. I also have some dyeing to do tomorrow.. I love dyeing .. its so fun.. I need a bigger kitchen here..

OK kids.. time for sleep.. you can see who already is ..

posted by ThreeOliveMartini @ Monday, June 20, 2005  


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My Punkymood

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  • Happy Father's Day
  • Yarn Hauling
  • Sea of Yarn
  • Elated
  • Just Stuff..
  • Gearing Up....
  • Thank Yous..and WIP's...
  • GOOD DAY!!
  • More.....
  • Out of the Ashes..
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