Dear Alekx and Burfica,
Do you think your mom will like this for her birthday ?
I hope so cause I packed it up and it will be on its way tomorrow!!
Its really soft and fluffy.. and I made one end taper a bit to be easier to wrap..
so girls.. if she hates it.. let me know.. I will make another ..
PS.. I only listed Alekx first cause she is oldest.. wanted to make that clear before I started some silly sibling war.. seems you two never need much LOL
Do you think your mom will like this for her birthday ?
I hope so cause I packed it up and it will be on its way tomorrow!!
Its really soft and fluffy.. and I made one end taper a bit to be easier to wrap..
so girls.. if she hates it.. let me know.. I will make another ..
PS.. I only listed Alekx first cause she is oldest.. wanted to make that clear before I started some silly sibling war.. seems you two never need much LOL
At 7:30 PM, MomThatsNuts said…
LOL Beth, how can Peggy NOT love it?? silly sibling war,,,too funny
At 6:53 PM, Burfica said…
that ROCKS!!!!! girlie. whooohoooooo
At 6:53 PM, Burfica said…
and ty ty ty ty tytytytytytytytytytyttyy
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