Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Hmm .. Did I mention I have made myself crazier by deciding to leave TOMORROW?!! I thought about the weekend and holiday traffic and since I have the luxury of leaving sooner.. I decided I would.. to make it easier on me and Brutus of course.. He is going with me.. I hope Cuppy isnt too sad with out him..

So I have about a third of what there is to do .. done.. It's amazing the days I dont need any extra energy I am bounching off walls.. and today.. DRAINED.. what the hell is up with that ?

Plus.. I treated myself to a couple goodies at Bella Filati yesterday .. and I so want to start using my new circs (size 15.. 29" clover bamboo) .. but of course.. have no time to do so ..UGH UGH UGH.. I have some projects I want to complete too but I guess I will have to wait til I get home to work on them .. Its not a huge deal I will have time while I am there to do those things.. Sitting with my dad will afford me time to work on stuff I should have done already LOL.. how bad am I ?

Well.. I will update tonight.. and be on the road in the morning.. BUT.. I will have sporadic internet access through my trip so small updates and maybe even a few pictures while I am gone .. who knows.. and if not .. You all have a bunch to look forward to upon my return.. so.. til tonight.. I am off.. to get the other part of my stuff done and find some lunch

posted by ThreeOliveMartini @ Wednesday, June 29, 2005  


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My Punkymood

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  • For Ms.Peggy
  • Happy Monday !!
  • Summer .. It's "Official"
  • Busy.. Busy.. did I mention .. Busy ?
  • Happy Father's Day
  • Yarn Hauling
  • Sea of Yarn
  • Elated
  • Just Stuff..
  • Gearing Up....
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