I have to address this comment .... really I do .. and I find it slightly amusing .. because I know where it came from even though they tried hard to hide..
but here is the comment I recieved..
maybe some people are not as "strong" as you elizabeth, maybe you should have a little sympathy for those people who are not like you and sometimes needs someone to lean on, the world is made up of many different people and we are not all alike, what would be nice is if everyone kept their opinions to themselves. just my 2 cents here, and i choose to stay anonymous as i don't need to deal with the backlash of exprssing my own opinion
Let's break this down.. first of all I didnt say I had no sympathy for people.. I also said every one deals differently .. and I agree some people do need some one to lean on .. but come on for every little hang nail.. head ache etc?? please give me a break and some credit.. I am obviously not the only person with this opinion seeing as most of the comments from that day where positive.. also on this.. isnt this what your family and friends in real life are there to do ? support you when you need it ?
Secondly.. please dont even try to tell me what I should and should not do .. I do have sympathy.. what I dont have patience for is people trying to play on that sympathy every time I turn around with every thing that has happened in their lives.. to me.. playing the sympathy card should be reserved for the huge things in life when you really need it....
Obviously you are some one who thinks they know me well enough to pass judgement.. which is not what I was doing.. I was venting how I felt about something .. I didnt name names nor did I name specific situations.. It was a general statement about how I felt about something
And here is what really sets me off about your comment .. its the statement about keeping your opinion to your self .. now if you truly felt this way .. why did you bother to grace my blog with yours? and there is the other key factor.. this is MY blog.. that and the first amendment give me the right to say what ever it is i want.. also since you seem to know me.. since when did I ever hold back on what I have to say ?
With that being said .. I would have respected you more.. and replied to you privately .. had you had the balls to comment where every one knew who you were.. but since you decided not to .. well this is the only way ..
I will not say I am sorry for saying what I did .. that is the beauty of this place.. its mine and If you dont like what you see or read you dont have to read it .. nor do you have to agree.. I dont run a dictatorship .. and I honestly think the world would be a better place if every one did not repress how they feel and just say what they needed ..
as for you my dear Anonymous friend.. I have a feeling you are one of those people that complain about every thing life has handed you that is bad or tell your story to any one that will listen on the net just to garner that sympathy you seek because your friends and family in real life are probably sick to death of hearing it .. makes me wonder how right on i am ?
tell me what you think readers.... agree/ disagree? I wanna know because I respect every one's right to voice their opinion and their right to agree or disagree with me .. I dont think any one should keep it to themselves.. and I am a big girl .. I can take it when someone doesnt think the same as me ..
but here is the comment I recieved..
maybe some people are not as "strong" as you elizabeth, maybe you should have a little sympathy for those people who are not like you and sometimes needs someone to lean on, the world is made up of many different people and we are not all alike, what would be nice is if everyone kept their opinions to themselves. just my 2 cents here, and i choose to stay anonymous as i don't need to deal with the backlash of exprssing my own opinion
Let's break this down.. first of all I didnt say I had no sympathy for people.. I also said every one deals differently .. and I agree some people do need some one to lean on .. but come on for every little hang nail.. head ache etc?? please give me a break and some credit.. I am obviously not the only person with this opinion seeing as most of the comments from that day where positive.. also on this.. isnt this what your family and friends in real life are there to do ? support you when you need it ?
Secondly.. please dont even try to tell me what I should and should not do .. I do have sympathy.. what I dont have patience for is people trying to play on that sympathy every time I turn around with every thing that has happened in their lives.. to me.. playing the sympathy card should be reserved for the huge things in life when you really need it....
Obviously you are some one who thinks they know me well enough to pass judgement.. which is not what I was doing.. I was venting how I felt about something .. I didnt name names nor did I name specific situations.. It was a general statement about how I felt about something
And here is what really sets me off about your comment .. its the statement about keeping your opinion to your self .. now if you truly felt this way .. why did you bother to grace my blog with yours? and there is the other key factor.. this is MY blog.. that and the first amendment give me the right to say what ever it is i want.. also since you seem to know me.. since when did I ever hold back on what I have to say ?
With that being said .. I would have respected you more.. and replied to you privately .. had you had the balls to comment where every one knew who you were.. but since you decided not to .. well this is the only way ..
I will not say I am sorry for saying what I did .. that is the beauty of this place.. its mine and If you dont like what you see or read you dont have to read it .. nor do you have to agree.. I dont run a dictatorship .. and I honestly think the world would be a better place if every one did not repress how they feel and just say what they needed ..
as for you my dear Anonymous friend.. I have a feeling you are one of those people that complain about every thing life has handed you that is bad or tell your story to any one that will listen on the net just to garner that sympathy you seek because your friends and family in real life are probably sick to death of hearing it .. makes me wonder how right on i am ?
tell me what you think readers.... agree/ disagree? I wanna know because I respect every one's right to voice their opinion and their right to agree or disagree with me .. I dont think any one should keep it to themselves.. and I am a big girl .. I can take it when someone doesnt think the same as me ..
At 9:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
This quote from anonymous really bugged me: "what would be nice is if everyone kept their opinions to themselves"
Spoken like someone who will be needing lots of therapy to get over his/her repressive tendencies in the future. Geez, it would be nice if everyone just held hands and pretended the world was so perfect. Yeah, let's encourage bottling up those feelings.
Yes, I can get cynical, too. I completely respect your views, Elizabeth (and quite often agree with you). This is your blog where you can choose to b*tch all you want. Did anonymous think the blogging world is one happy place where we just post happy sh*t?
At 10:51 AM,
Deneen said…
I agree with you Beth. I do get tired of all the "poor pitiful me" routines and it gets old. I bitch and moan a bit (ahem) on my blog, but I always at the end of the post say "okay, done, move on and yeah, I have a basically good life, just needed to vent". If something is really, really bad I would never post about it anyway because, frankly, it's my problem and a real problem, not the little bullshit I gripe about. Say what you want, it's who YOU are, don't be a drone!
At 11:13 AM,
Marvie said…
Ummmm I too am quite bugged by that comment "what would be nice is if everyone kept their opinions to themselves" That wouldn't be nice, that would lead to all sorts of hell. If we never expressed our opinion, the world would be boring for one. I won't go into a whole list of reasons why that comment is wrong, it just is on SO many levels. But hey, that's *my *opinion*
Elizabeth, you just keep doin' what you're doin'.
Frankly, I respect a person more when I know how they feel (even if it's not the way *I* happen to feel) about something than I do if they never speak up.
At 11:16 AM,
Mandi said…
I totally agree with you.
At 12:26 PM,
StarKnits said…
OMG i totally agree. i get really annoyed with WOE IS ME people as i like to call them. it really bugs me when they go on and on about stuff that is the same thing you yourself have been through or going thru..and they expect you to stop everything and feel bad for them... i usually just try and say hey when that happend to me.. i did this... some times i'm thinking really get a grip and deal with it, it's not the end of the world...
after a while of the same thing i just kinda smile and head in another direction b/c i'm going to say something that's not nice... and i'd rather not go there b/c too much drama!
At 1:03 PM,
hi, i'm natalie said…
You go girl!!
I feel like you're probably right on with your prediction about anonymous - and I think it's interesting how s/he says we should keep our opinions to ourselves... when she is obviously seeking sympathy/pity...
At 1:07 PM,
Trish said…
OK, hmmmm...this one is tough for me.
"isnt this what your family and friends in real life are there to do ?"
Well, I don't have any! I moved away and have a small support system. My friends are on the net. When I need support, THEY are always there for me. Unfortunately I don't have a large support base her in real life. I do have a few, but they are extremely busy and are around sometimes. It's just my circumstances, so that's why this is hard for me.
I turn to my internet friends for support because I know they will understand me. I know that someone out there is going through the same things and I won't feel so alone.
While I do agree with you about people trying to play up the sympathy, woe is me, card, it's nice to have people to support you. Many of us don't have that support. I also know that many people who do post on the internet are probably so repressed in their real lives that they can't share with their families what is going on.
That's kind of the beauty of the internet..You can say anything and not feel bad about it.
Beth, I think you should say whatever you feel and no one should have the right to censor anything anyone says. Good or bad, bitching or praising, etc. Again, that's the beauty of this thing we call online.
There is a lot of suffering in the world and some things are more difficult than others. but i also know(now that I'm on meds) that my suffereing isn't any less important than someone elses. That my problems aren't stupid. My online friends mean the world to me and I will always lean on them for support as I would hope they would to me.
You are very lucky to have real life support to help you through those down times in life, not everyone is as lucky.
I do love reading your blog and you make me laugh. I applaud you for saying what you feel and not giving a damn what anyone thinks. You keep doing that!
That was just my opinion. Oh, and as far as that comment....the person is ALL Wrong!!!!!!
At 2:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Beth, I still love you. Tell Vicki to quit reading your blog if it upsets her. Drama queen? There are at least 2 that come to mind!! And if anyone has comments, stand behind them and say who the fuck you are!!!
At 2:49 PM,
none said…
I tend to believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion about things. Whether readers like it or not, it is your opinion and your blog and your way of expressing how you feel. You shouldn't have to post "politically correct" posts every time. In addition, if you do say something that someone takes out of context, people just need to chill and realize that you are a person too and not take things so personally.
I can't even email my sister-inlaw as she takes everything out of context. You would all get a huge laugh out of some of the stuff she freaks out on. The problem with me is I am a pretty direct person. If I like it, I say it. If it bothers me, I say it....there is no beating around the bush. This is how I am in real life and people who know me know that there is not second guessing me. Funny, that sil still reads into crap.
I tend to leave a lot of stuff off my blog because I try not to invite those who read into things and just stick to simple posts, lots of pictures, and less emotions or opinions. I totally get why some people quit blogging as sometimes the comments can put that little bit of stress in our lives that we weren't expecting or prepared to deal with.
Lastly, I have learned recently that there are some people that no matter how many facts you give them, they will always believe a falsity because that is what they believe. You just can't change people's minds, no matter how rational the truth is...it it those people in life that are truly scary...they are usually the "woe is me" person who doesn't realize how good they really have it.
ps...love how contradictory the person's comment was..."what would be nice is if everyone kept their opinions to themselves. just my 2 cents here" ha...ha...not really taking his/her own advice there, huh?
I think you have a little "nutty" fan and would just leave it at that....my last statement could be inviting them over to give their "opinion" on my blog....egads! Ha ha!
At 5:00 PM,
Unknown said…
Hey by god it's your blog and if ANYONE has trouble with it then they dont have to read it.
While I like me some drama every now and then of my own I tend anymore to keep it to my blog.
Your little friend there chooses to be anonymous because they don't want they fact they shared their opinion after stating everyone needs to keep their opinion to themselves? Am I correct?
At least, dear Beth you have a very big heart and kind soul and none of us here think for a minute you are not sympathatic.
At 5:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is your soap box and you can preach about or say anything you want.
What I don't understand, is if anonymous doesn't like what you say on your blog, then they shouldn't read it.
Truthfully, I prefer someone who says what they mean, instead of beating around the bush. I try to have a high tolerance for those who like to complain or say woe is me, but that has had a tendency to get shorter and shorter the older I get.
Mary Jo
At 7:30 PM,
Burfica said…
okay, see the little X in the upper right hand corner. That means you can make all the words you disagree with go away.
Good grief. I hate people looking for pitty for every little thing. "ewwww I blinked and got an eyelash in my eye" woe is me. Shut up!!! hehehehe
I have lots of friends I have found on the internet. I read their blogs. I don't agree with every thing some of them have to say. What I do is choose not to comment on that post and wait till the next one. It's no big deal, it's my way of respecting my friends by not getting on and bitching about their opinions. They have a right to say whatever they want on their own blogs. I won't stop them, and it won't necessarly make me not go read them. Nobody should have to supress their opinion, but I think people should have decorum and manners when it comes to expressing it.
I will always read your blog. When you bitch, you warn people. If they don't like it, they can use their god given right to hit that little x in the upper right corner.
OH and on a side note. I think people should not comment unless they have enough balls to leave their names. I think if they are to scared to leave their names, they need to use the x and shut the hell up. hehehehe
But that's my opinion, and annonymous, I'm not gonna keep it to myself. so ppppfffffftttttt
At 9:14 PM,
Azathoth100 said…
Hahaha, I love it. Everyone else already pretty much summed it up, if you don't like whats on the blog don't read it. Olive, just keep screaming and hollering, some of us love to hear the opinions. If you kept them to yourself you wouldn't have a blog in the first place.
At 2:43 AM,
vicki said…
well i am going to leave this one comment and then you really don't need to worry i will ever grace your pathetic blog again, and if you respond to mine i will just delete, first off, i chose to remain unknown for just this reason. what you did beth to shauna was terrible and you know it. some people don't have the "strength you have i guess. personally i think your just a sorry person. i won't demean myself by calling you names, and since the only reason i read your blog was because someone said that you were trash talking me anyways, i thought i had the right to respond. you really need to get a life and for the rest of you, don't bother to contact me at all. i really have no beef with any of you, and what i said was that maybe beth should have some sympathy, as it sure as hell didn't sound like it to me or a lot of other people. so sharon, heather, wendy and all the rest of ya. this is between beth and i not you so please mind your own business. and i didn't say that someone should just keep their opinions to themselves all the time, only when they know it is going to hurt someone. so there i have responded, i am through with the lot of you. you all need to grow up. heather please we have your back bethy. what is it you have her back for. god why did i bother to even try and explain, you guys are such drama queens it isn't even funny.
At 3:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
To the owner or writer of this blog, you are the ugliest excuse I have ever seen for a human being, that’s not only in the physical sense but also in your character and attitude. I think you rise in the morning or whenever it is you drag your sorry ass out of bed just to bitch at the world. I kinda feel sorry for you, then again maybe I don’t, but I do feel sorry for anyone that even crosses your evil mind in your pitiful world. You are without boundaries of common decency and moral values.
This is the first and last time I will visit this hog of a blog, I can’t say it was enjoyable, as it made me want to pewk!!!
At 7:41 PM,
Rebecca said…
wow, beth... seems like you really stirred the pot with this one - yikes! he he hee
At 8:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can see why you dont have any real life friends Jessi...you are to stupid!!! Read and analyze your comment and you will see exactly why I say that...then again maybe you wont ..like I said you are to stupid!
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